Thursday, May 19, 2011

The European Whirlwind

So everything is a bit of a blur. The kids had two weeks off for Easter, and Eric, as previously mentioned, had spent the fall booking trips for us to take advantage of our proximity. So hold on to your beret:

We took off on the TGV to Paris and spent 4 days enjoying the City of Lights! Eric and I have a love / hate relationship with France - though I must say if you throw money at a problem, it really can make it go away. A great apartment in a great neighborhood, not looking at prices at sidewalk cafes, and lots of gelato to keep the children's whining to a minimum...

We had no real agenda except to see the Mona Lisa - I love how Karl got a picture that makes it look like he was in the museum by himself...
The Louvre was actually fun despite the masses by buying a book with these cards that was at first a hunt through the museum to find the specified artifact, and then a hunt at the item to find out more about it. It really kept the kids engaged, and kept us from that slow death crawl where you go from piece to piece and get more tired with each step. If anyone is going, be sure to borrow it from us!

We had dream weather so ended up walking a lot and then eating a lot. We had a great time, and now know why everyone loves this city! I am ready to go back, be it a girl's weekend or with the family again. We still have lots more at the Louvre to see!!

I then had to say goodbye, and TGV-ed back to Basel while Eric and the boys spent two days at Disneyland Paris (no longer called EuroDisney, for those who care). I spent three days at work with peace and quiet, but then...

In a complicated maneuver I would only recommend to advanced travel arrangers, Eric and the boys flew from Paris to Venice, where I flew five hours later from Basel and met them there. We spent the weekend enjoying getting lost, hanging on the beach at the Lido, and, no surprise, eating!

The kids got addicted to "fireflies": these little helicopter-like contraptions that you slingshot into the air, that with a LED light attached makes it a fun sight at night. They reached into their own piggy banks to buy 3 each and we talked of the business idea of our kids selling them on the street corner when they get back to California. Lemonade stands are so yesterday...

I will say, though, that we were surprised how "beat up" Venice was looking. Maybe the glamour from our backpacking days had worn off, but it really seems that Venice is full of absent landlords that are sucking their investments dry. Sad, really, that it won't be long until all the charm is really gone...

So the week was crazy - whose life are we living? This can't be the Somervilles...

On the flight home, Eric and I admitted to each other that we were traveled out. It is actually nice that we have stayed put in Basel and surrounding Switzerland since then, but watch out Rome, we are coming in June...