Sunday, March 6, 2011

Death and Life

This year, so far, has been rather tough on us. Being away from family and friends does not help at times like this, but our local friends are have been a helping support. Our hope is that as spring comes, these months of bad news and difficulty will come to an end.

It started with reductions at my company announced in November, with actual people notified at the end of February. I have never had to let people go - it was really emotionally trying for me in the months finalizing decisions and then actually telling people that their job had been eliminated. I was shocked how draining it can be - perhaps too sensitive, but I can't imagine how the George Clooney's of this world can do it on a regular basis.

The week in California to let people go, I heard about the tragic death of the 16 year old son of one of my best friend's from high school. I can not explain what a punch to the gut this was - waking up in the night thinking I had dreamed it, and then realizing it was real. He and his friend went for a raft ride down a swollen California canal, not realizing the danger ahead. Amazing, bright, caring kid. I can not fathom the pain for the family - it still causes me pain just to think about it.

And then this weekend, I was awoken in the middle of the night by Eric's dad Dave telling me that Marilyn, my mother-in-law / Eric's mother had passed away. She had just been moved to a nursing home, but this was a real surprise that she declined so quickly. Her passing was peaceful, but has left us with a hole where "grandma" used to be. Eric has flown back to Ohio to be with his family, and the rest of us mourn from here.

So I really think I hit my limit. I can't handle any more bad news, tradgedy, hard issues. But this weekend, walking Karl to a birthday party, we saw the signs of spring: crocuses blooming scattered across a lawn; daffodils starting to bloom; blossoms forming on trees. The sun has been out as well, and despite being cold, all signs are pointing to the fact that winter and all this "bad" might just be starting to be over...

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