Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No Whining on the Yacht!

So after 14 months of not being back, Eric and the boys came back to California on vacation. I started out with the only the boys for a week while Eric took a three day bike ride through the Swiss Alps. He had a great time (albeit a few extra climbs due to getting lost) on his self made journey, getting to see small towns and beautiful natural scenery, riding from Geneva to Interlaken. Eric has officially got the biking bug again (maybe the kids being older makes it easier to excuse himself for hours on end) - anyone intersted in coming to bike in Europe has a willing partner (and he is willing to organize as well)! As for his route, it was one beautiful village after another - I don't think Eric or I will ever tire of the Swiss countryside and mountains - it is as pretty as it gets!
So no reason to feel sorry for me with the kids and work in California- I got greeted at the airport from friends who wisked my kids away as I went to get our rental car - the agent was a bit confused when she asked me how many people the car was for, and I said 4 of us - then she asked, "where are they?" When I got to their house (our neighbors across the street from our house) other neighbors stopped in despite the 9 pm hour to say a quick hi - a true flavor of the next two weeks...

Every night was a pool party, dinner with friends, an impromptu get together with the neighbor walking down the street with a bottle of wine...We were so overwhelmed with all the love and affection - we can't wait to get home and back into the community again - it is nice to know we are not forgotten!

It was great to see the kids in action as well - it was as if they never even had left. Everyone got along great, and the whole two weeks was a duct tape festival of sorts - Karl and Bennett taught everyone the nuances of making wallets, purses, and roses, and between hawking their wares and lemonade, they both left California with fat little wallets of their own!

One evening included an event that really had an effect on me: one dear friend was complaining a bit about the effort it takes to clean their vacation home. And another friend said:

No Whining on the Yacht!

Now, the person really didn't complain that much - but it really struck me there really is nothing for me and Eric to complain about - and yet, we find so much to complain about: I don't like this about my job, it's too cold, why does my spouse work so late, why is it so windy, why is dollar doing so bad, why can't I lose the weight, etc...

This is not about comparing ourselves to starving people in India - it was just so clear to me the power of ATTITUDE, at when things are good or things are bad, it is all about the attitude you carry with the situation to be satisifed - dare I say happy! - with things just the way they are. Life is good - and we should not forget it.

So we left California with our pockets and hearts full of love and appreication and good attitude - we can not thank everyone enough for all the great meals, hospitality, and efforts that made our trip so memorable. And then we made our way to vacation (for me at least) in Sweden...

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    The content was really very interesting. Yachts have been sailing all the summer, their hulls gliding gently in the water, their masts singing in the wind, their ropes whining. Thanks....
